Becoming a Soldier requires a lot of learning. Moreover, a significant part of that learning curve is understanding how to speak like a Soldier; it practically means learning a new language. Initially, this process starts with getting familiar with the phonetic alphabet. Subsequently, one dives into Army lingo and abbreviations. However, with a little practice, you’ll have it down in no time.
Your Trainee will learn a lot of specific terminology in basic training, but you’ll also hear some Army terms around military establishments like bases or government buildings. If you’re getting ready to head off to Army Basic Training or have a Trainee in basic training, reviewing these terms will give you a basic understanding of what certain abbreviations and terms mean. Getting familiar with the phonetic alphabet is a great starting point in order to make learning Army lingo easier.
What is the Phonetic Alphabet?
You may have wondered why your Trainee is in B Company in basic training but they refer to it as Bravo Company. The phonetic alphabet is used throughout the U.S. military to ensure letters spoken over communications systems, like a radio, are received without any confusion.
Letter | Phonetic Alphabet | Letter | Phonetic Alphabet |
A | Alpha | N | November |
B | Brave | O | Oscar |
C | Charlie | P | Papa |
D | Delta | Q | Quebec |
E | Echo | R | Romeo |
F | Foxtrot | S | Sierra |
G | Gulf | T | Tango |
H | Hotel | U | Uniform |
I | India | V | Victor |
J | Juliet | W | Whiskey |
K | Kilo | X | X-ray |
L | Lima | Y | Yankee |
M | Mike | Z | Zulu |
Army Lingo: Get Familiar with Abbreviations
While the phonetic alphabet takes a little time getting used to, in no time you’ll be a pro at translating military terms and have a better understanding of what they mean. Give “Lima Charlie” a try next time you want to tell your trainee you understand what they’re saying loud and clear. Or ask if they are continuing the mission, using “Charlie Mike”.
There are many more terms you’ll learn than what’s listed here, but these are some of the main military terms you’ll want to know right away. Below, we’ve included a list of words to help you get started.
Army Lingo: Terms to Know
AGSU – The Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) is the U.S. Army’s new service uniform. With that, the AGSU is inspired and based off the iconic service uniform worn by America’s “Greatest Generation” during World War II.
AWOL – Absent without leave
BAH — Basic allowance for housing
Barracks – Building where Soldiers or trainees live
BAS — Basic allowance for subsistence (meals) for service member
BDE – Brigade
BN —Abbreviation for Battalion
BRM – Basic Rifle Marksmanship
BTRY – Abbreviation for Battery
Carry On – Order to resume work or duties
COB – Close of business
CO – Abbreviation for Company
Commissary – A place on base to buy groceries
CONUS – Continental United States. US territory between Canada and Mexico, including territorial waters.
DFAC – Dining Facility
DoD – Department of Defense
FTX – Field Training Exercise
G2G – Good to go
Getting Smoked – Rigorous exercise as a punishment
Hooah – Pronounced hu:a. A spirited cry, which can mean nearly anything positive. Others claim that it is an acronym for “Heard, Understood and Acknowledged”.
HQ – headquarters
Joe – an Army Soldier
JTF – Joint Task Force. A multi-service military unit.
Latrine – bathroom
Leave – Vacation
Leg – Non airborne Soldier
Lima Charlie – radio speak for “loud and clear”
Negative – a form of saying “no”
OCONUS – Outside continental United States. Areas outside of the continental U.S., including Hawaii and Alaska
OCP – OCP represents the Operational Camouflage Pattern. It is the camo pattern. Operational Camouflage Pattern was codenamed originally as Scorpion W2. This is a pattern used by the military by the United States Army.
Oscar-Mike – On the move
PCS – Permanent Change of Station; when you move from one duty station to another.
PLF – parachute landing fall
PLT – Platoon
Pop Smoke – Call for extraction. Alternately to leave work or complete a period of service.
POV – privately owned vehicle
PT – Physical Training
PTs – Physical fitness uniform
PX – Post Exchange. This is a shopping area on base that is similar to a department store.
Rack – Bed
Red Star Cluster – A distress call. This literally refers to the hand-launched red pyrotechnic signal flare. Alternatively, in non-combat situations, this is an acknowledgement of a precarious situation or need for help.
Roger – Another form of “yes”
Ruck Up – “Ruck” is short for “ruck sack,” which refers to backpacks service members sometimes wear. To “ruck up” is to get through a particularly challenging or stressful situation.
Sick call — time designated for personnel to seek non emergency medical attention
S.I.T. – Soldier in Training
SOP – Standard Operating Procedures. SOPs often offer guidance where official doctrine does not cover a situation, or treats a situation only in extremely broad terms.
Soup Sandwich – all messed up
TA – Tuition Assistance
TDY – Temporary Duty outside of normal duty location
UCMJ – Uniform Code of Military Justice
XO – Executive Officer (2nd in command)
Zero Dark Thirty – Humorous term for really early in the morning
The Bottom Line
Mastering the language of the Army is an essential aspect of becoming a Soldier. Ultimately, from understanding the phonetic alphabet to familiarizing yourself with Army abbreviations, embracing Army lingo is a vital step towards building camaraderie as a Soldier, and ensuring clarity in all missions.
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