Sending Letters to Marine Boot Camp

Do you know someone who is going to Marine boot camp or who is already at boot camp? If so then your recruit is officially beginning their journey to becoming a United States Marine! Over the next 12 weeks, your recruit will be pushed beyond their limits and if successful be made into a Marine. Through this transformation, your recruit will need your support and motivation to help them succeed. Here is all you need to know about sending Letters to Marine boot camp.

MCRD San Diego Mailing Address

MCRD San Diego Mailing Address Sample Address
RECRUIT First Name, Last Name
#(st, nd, rd) BN “Company” Platoon ####
##### Midway Avenue
San Diego CA 92140-####
1st BN Alpha Company Platoon 1000
38001 Midway Avenue
San Diego, CA. 92140-5670
letters to boot camp

MCRD Parris Island Mailing Address

MCRD Parris Island Mailing Address Sample Address
RECRUIT First Name, Last Name
#(st, nd, rd) BN “Company Name” Platoon ####
PO Box #####
Parris Island, SC 29905-####
1st BN Alpha Company Platoon 1000
PO Box 16945
Parris Island, SC 29905-6945

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What should I write in my Letters to Marine boot camp?

Over the next thirteen weeks recruits will be pushed beyond their limits and, if successful, transition into a United Staes Marine.

Mental and physical exhaustion will become a norm as the loved one you said goodbye to is transformed into a completely new person.

Mail call will be the most anticipated time of the day, and your recruit will enjoy receiving a lot of mail from your over the course of the next three months.

In case you ever face writer’s block, we’ve come up with some questions to ask your recruit when writing Letters to Marine boot camp.

1. What were your first thoughts when you got off of the bus and stepped onto the yellow footprints?
2. What time do your mornings start?
3. How delicious is the chow?
4. What has been the worst thing about boot camp?
5. If you could describe boot camp in one word what would it be?
6. How many recruits are in your platoon?
7. What’s the name of one friend you’ve made, where are they from?
8. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much fun are pugil stick battles?
9. What is one thing your platoon gets yelled at for the most?
10. What time do you normally get to sleep?
11. Have you been given a nickname?
12. Is there anyone in your platoon not receiving mail that I can write to?
13. Has it been hard to keep your rack area clean and in tip top shape?
14. What have you liked best about boot camp?
15. How hard is it to keep your M-16 clean?
16. How fast can you take your M-16 and put it back together?
17. What has been the funniest thing your DI has said this week?
18. What’s the best advice you have received at boot camp?
19. What was going through your head when you jumped off of the repel tower?
20. What is the dumbest thing you have seen or heard another recruit do?
21. Has boot camp been what you expected it to be?
22. What is your wish list of bases you would like to be stationed at?
23. What’s the first thing you want to do after graduation?
24. What homemade/fast food meal do you miss the most?
25. Are you proud of yourself? (You should be!)

Looking for even more ideas of what to write during Marine boot camp? Read our what to writing when sending Letters to basic training article.

Your Letters to your recruit don’t need to be long and they don’t need to be fancy.  What’s important is that you’re sending mail to support them through this journey.

Sending Letters via the Sandboxx app, will get your message and photos into your recruit’s hands within a couple of days (we overnight your Letters directly to the ship). We also include a return envelope with every Sandboxx Letter so your loved one can write you back!

Ready to send your first Letter to Marine boot camp?

Send your first letter to Marine boot camp with the Sandboxx app, write your message, include a photo and hit send.

Save and attach our week one image below to give your recruit motivation for their first week at Marine boot camp.

Learn more about how your Sandboxx Letter gets delivered.


The post Sending Letters to Marine Boot Camp appeared first on Sandboxx.

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